The AIs come for the homeschool teacher jobs
The Alpha school claims that in just two hours per day, it’s students learn 2.6 times more than they would in conventional schools. They manage this using AI tutors, who give students individualized lessons.
I believe it. I was homeschooling until I was 14, and most days finished school before noon. I definitely learned just as well or better than I would have if I went to any of the private or public schools in my town. And I never got my love of learning ground out of me, as some kids do (1).
But it took up a lot of my dad's time! He spent hours each day teaching me and my sisters. Luckily, he seemed to enjoy it.
It's exciting to think that by the time I'm a parent, a lot of the benefits of homeschooling - personalized learning, and a minimum of wasted student time - will be freely available to all kids using AI tutors. At a minimum time cost to the parents!
1. Or so I've heard. From my understanding, elementary school is a lot of standing in lines